Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Art!

I am starting my Christmas blog since it is after all December 1st! However, I will be blogging a lot this month because we have only 3 weeks of school and lots of arts projects to cram into those weeks. Thus, I have decided some days we will be doing 2-3 projects a day! Also, this is my favorite time of year so I love spreading the Christmas cheer with everyone!

Advent Calenders-Super fun and easy! I found a website that had a pre made countdown to Christmas! I had the students color in the pictures and cut them out! Then we stapled them to a bright green paper. I had the kids add a gift tag (santa, penguins, polar bears and snowflakes) for Dec 25th! Then I cut out a green piece of paper and stapled the light green paper on top! Then, I provided stickers for the students to put to countdown the days!
Tree Placements-Cut out a green piece of paper like a tree! Then cut slits using a exacto knife ( this is for the adult to do.) Then cut red strips of paper about the same length. Then weave the red paper through the holes! Then, add Christmas decorations and characters!
Snowflakes and Christmas chain-Cut snowflakes out of paper! Cut out strips of red and green paper! Then glue the ends together to make a circle and connect them to make a chain. ( You can add the days in Dec and use it to countdown to Christmas!

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