Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Art part 3

Sorry I haven't updated more recently! I have been more busy at work so I have been negligent in updating my blog! Well we have reach our final week of school before the Christmas vacation begins! So I'm squeezing in lots of fun art and crafts projects as I can! I will be on holiday and won't see you til the new year! Happy Holidays!

Disclaimer: Many of these art projects include glitter. Based from my experience, it's fun to use but the glittter will get everywhere. Don't be surprised if you are covered in glitter by the end of the day! :)

Stars- Craft sticks, acrylic gold or silver paint, glue and glitter. First, the adult needs to mix the paint and glue. Place craft sticks in star shape and glue sides that overlap. Easy way to make a star is two trinagles ( one facing up and one facing down) crossed over each other. Then paint the star and then add glitter! ( Also, if you make a square using the craft sticks you can make a picture frame!)
Note: You can make Star of David for Hanukkah!
Pine Cones-acrylic gold or silver paint, glue and glitter. First, the adult needs to mix the paint and glue again. Also, add name with a peice of tape at bottom of the pine cone. Next paint the pine cone and then add glitter! This is fun for all ages!
Angels- Paper, markers, glitter and glue. First trace the outline of the angel. Then decorate, color or paint and then add glitter! Next, cut out the angel and you add it to your Christmas tree. I use this site as an example:
Christmas frame ornaments-Okay, I didn not make this project but it 's really fun!! I bought penguin, reindeer and snowman photo frame ornaments from Joann Fabrics. The students loved painting them! It's pretty cheap and a cute gift

Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause- I drew Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause on paper. I drew the tops and bottom of their bodies seperate peices of paper. The students colored in Santa and Mrs. Clause using crayons and markers. Then they had to cut them out and glue them together!

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